Microfarm Opportunity

A practical and smart algae microfarm business opportunity

Smart Microfarms offers scalable microalgae systems for entrepreneurs for small commercial farms, community and urban gardens, and rooftop and vertical farms for growing high value superfood that is local, sustainable, profitable.

Robert Henrikson has been an algae catalyst with 35 years experience in production, product development and marketing. He was founder and director of Earthrise, world’s largest spirulina algae farm, marketed algae superfoods in 30 countries, published 3 books and 15 educational videos on algae, presents at numerous conferences, and is a scientific advisor and business consultant to investors, companies and algae ventures.

Since 2010, Robert has focused on catalyzing small scale local algae production, to enable algae entrepreneurs, using proven and practical technology, to grow algae superfood for high value markets that already exist.

His company Smart Microfarms and associates have installed home and backyard systems and small commercial spirulina microfams in the Pacific Northwest and Northern California, demonstrating how growing algae can be successful in colder climates extending short growing seasons. Smart Microfarms is developing and testing smart apps and web-based technology sending data from remote farms to a central lab where an experienced algae expert can monitor real time data and guide the local algae microfarmer without the expense of onsite technical staff or visits.

Pacific Microfarms
Smart algae microfarm testbed, Olympia Washington

Starting any algae venture means a significant cost and time commitment, not to mention – risk. For entrepreneurs considering entering the business of producing algae and selling algae products, this opportunity offers the simplest and most practical first step for growing algae and selling into an already established market – with probably the lowest cost of entry and lowest risk of any algae opportunity today.

Thinking of microfarming spirulina algae? Use this GETTING STARTED CHECKLIST to see how your resources, qualifications, experience and financing match up for start up.

Contact: Robert Henrikson • roberthe@sonic.net. • www.smartmicrofarms.com.

Three Books


Company Introduction
Microfarm Business Opportunity
Microfarm Projects
Systems and Services
Management and Associates
Algae Industry Evolution and Competition
Marketing and Business Strategy