SF Bay Area Modular Units
Home, Deck and Backyard Growing Modules, Richmond California
Smart Microfarms has developed and tested a variety of scalable indoor and backyard growing systems, producing fresh, frozen and dehydrated products for family and local consumption. Indoor systems have air bubblers, heaters and lights on timers. Modular tanks for outdoor decks and backyard are designed to scale up to larger sizes.
Smart Microfarms. Algae Growing Systems for Home & Backyard.
“Can we grow spirulina algae at home or in our community?” Many people have asked this question over the past 30 years. Here’s a quick demonstration of simple home and backyard systems for growing and harvesting spirulina. These modular growing systems for algae cultivation indoors and outdoors on porch deck or backyard can be scaled up to larger sizes.
2:08 minute video of Smart Microfarms. Algae Growing Systems for Home & Backyard. (2012).
Company Introduction
Microfarm Business Opportunity
Microfarm Projects
Systems and Services
Management and Associates
Algae Industry Evolution and Competition
Marketing and Business Strategy